Do you need need a plastic injection mold repair or revision?
- Plastic Injection Mold Repair
- Plastic Injection Mold Revisions

Charmilles Roboform 300 sp Sinker edm w/3R Robot (Transformer)

Plastic Injection Mold Repairs
Vector Tool provides repair services to broken/damaged molds and components. An experienced toolmaker is assigned to a repair and evaluates the damage to the mold. These experts work closely with the engineering department to develop a plan to return your plastic injection mold or component to its original state.
Sometimes this process may require receiving customer supplied mold designs if not built by Vector. Typical repairs could include — but are not limited to — welding, inserting, machining, sinker EDM, wire EDM, grinding, and polishing. After the repair is complete, the toolmaker will inspect the repair and evaluate the fit “bluing” shutoff surfaces or areas.
Plastic Injection Mold Revisions
Vector also revises plastic injection molds to reflect necessary modifications. Vector will first evaluate the revision and provide a quote. Vector’s engineering department will design the revision upon the customer’s approval of the quote.

Vector Tool & Engineering has a team of dedicated and experienced engineers and toolmakers to help with any and all plastic injection mold repairs or revisions.
We can provide you with cost-effective solutions and a short lead time.

Please contact us any time to discuss your plastic injection mold repair or revision needs.